Method Details
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Use this endpoint to update an email address' email type subscription status or permanently unsubscribe an email address from all email.
Use case for this endpoint: The endpoint is useful if a system collects opt-out information outside of HubSpot, but needs to prevent future mailings to those contacts inside of HubSpot.
Status updates and contact records
The subscription status is tied to the email address, and not a specific contact record. Because of this, it is possible to update the status for an email address even if there is not currently a contact with that email address. If the status is updated for an email address that isn't currently associated with a contact and a contact is later created, the status update will apply to the new contact. The same would be true if there was an existing contact was deleted and a new contact with the same email address was created.
Note: If you OPT OUT of all emails or a specific email subscription type for a recipient, there is NO UNDO for this operation.