There's a new version of the HubSpot API
We're also working on a new documentation website, you're invited to check it out and give us your feedback.
OAuth 2.0 access tokens are provided as a bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header.
The header format is:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Here's an example that using cURL to get contacts with the Authorization header, including an access token with a value of CJSP5qf1KhICAQEYs-gDIIGOBii1hQIyGQAf3xBKmlwHjX7OIpuIFEavB2-qYAGQsF4
➜ /~curl --header "Authorization: Bearer CJSP5qf1KhICAQEYs-gDIIGOBii1hQIyGQAf3xBKmlwHjX7OIpuIFEavB2-qYAGQsF4"\?count\=1