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Deals and tickets support multiple pipelines.
Use case for this API: When working with deals, an account might have one pipeline for “New Sales" and another for “Contract Renewals." For tickets, you might have a main support queue and a separate one for escalations. Each of those queues would be a separate ticket pipeline. The CRM Pipelines API can be used to sync one pipeline or another to an external CRM.
Each object stage is a member of exactly one pipeline. Each pipeline always has at least one stage, and each account has at least one pipeline.
Every account initially contains a default pipeline with the pipelineId “default”. On accounts with a single pipeline, the pipeline property for any object will automatically be set to “default” as well. On accounts with multiple pipelines, if you're setting a stage that is not in the default pipeline, you'll also need to set the pipeline property that lines up with that stage.
Each pipeline will have the following data.
"pipelineId": "api_test_pipeline",
// String; The internal ID of the pipeline. This ID must be used when referencing the pipeline using the API.
"createdAt": 1531316781557,
// Integer; A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing when the pipeline was created.
"updatedAt": 1532367855541,
// Integer; A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing when the pipeline was last updated.
"objectType": "TICKET",
// String, one of TICKET or DEAL; The object type that the pipeline is for.
"label": "Updated ticket pipeline",
// String; The label of the pipeline. The label is displayed for the pipeline in HubSpot.
"displayOrder": 2,
// Integer; When viewing records in HubSpot, pipelines are displayed starting with the pipeline with the lowest displayOrder value.
"active": true,
// Boolean; Only active pipelines can be used when updating records.
"stages": [
// A list of stages for the pipeline.
// Each stage will have the following properties.
"stageId": "example_stage",
// String; The internal id of the stage.
"createdAt": 1531316781557,
// Integer; A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing when the stage was created.
"updatedAt": 1532367855541,
// Integer; A Unix timestamp in milliseconds representing when the stage was last updated.
"label": "Example stage",
// String; The label of the stage. The label is displayed when viewing records in HubSpot.
"displayOrder": 1,
// Integer; When viewing records in HubSpot, stages are displayed starting with the stage with the lowest displayOrder value.
"metadata": {},
// Reserved for future use.
"active": true
// Boolean; only active stages can be used when updating records
"stageId": "another_example_stage",
"createdAt": 1531316781557,
"updatedAt": 1532367855541,
"label": "Another example stage",
"displayOrder": 2,
"metadata": {},
"active": true
"default": false
// Boolean; Whether or not this pipeline is the default pipeline.