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Create a new Timeline Event Type

Last updated June 17, 2020

POST /integrations/v1/:application-id/timeline/event-types

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?





Developer Tools

Required Scope:


Create a new event type. The event type should represent an action that can take place in your platform, and act as the template for individual events. You must create an event type before you can create individual events.

By default, event types are created for contacts, but it's possible to create event types for companies or deals using the objectType field.

Note: Event properties cannot be named log or lookup. These tokens are reserved as helpers by the library used to render events in-app, Handlebars.js. For more information, check out the Handlebars.js docs here.

Required Parameters How to use Description
hapikey= Used in the request URL Your developer API key.  This must be the developer API key associated with the developer account that the OAuth app was created in.
userId= Used in the request URL Your HubSpot user ID. This can be found in the same place as your developer API key in your developer account.
application-id  Used in the request URL The ID of the OAuth app you're creating the event type for.
 name Used in the request JSON body The name of the event type. 
applicationId Used in the request JSON body The ID of the OAuth app you're creating the event type for. Note: The applicationId used in the body must match the application-id used in the URL.

Optional Parameters How to use Description
headerTemplate Used in the request JSON body

The header template, used when displaying the event in the timeline. 

detailTemplate Used in the request JSON body The detail template, used when displaying the details of the event in the timeline.
objectType Used in the request JSON body The type of object (CONTACT, COMPANY, or DEAL) this event corresponds to. Defaults to CONTACT.