enabled |
If the workflow is active or not. |
true/false |
name |
The name of the workflow |
string |
actions |
Includes delay, action and branching information |
See the JSON examples to the right and the HubSpot product for possible actions |
onlyEnrollsManually |
If this workflow should only be triggered manually (either by a user in HubSpot or through the API), set this to true . Note: This should only be set to true if segmentCriteria is empty. |
true/false |
segmentCriteria |
List filters used as the workflow's enrollment criteria |
See Contact Lists API for examples |
goalCriteria |
List filters used as the goal criteria |
See Contact Lists API for examples |
type |
If this workflow is based on enrollment or revoles around a static or dyanic date |
eventAnchor |
Contains the staticDateAnchor or contactPropertyAnchor setting, if applicable. |
staticDateAnchor or contactPropertyAnchor |
staticDateAnchor |
If the workflow type is STATIC_ANCHOR, define the date |
mm/dd/yyyy |
contactPropertyAnchor |
If the workflow type is PROPERTY_ANCHOR, define the property |
property name |
nurtureTimeRange |
Use enabled to set it |
enabled can be false/true |
unenrollmentSetting |
Used for kickout workflows. If none, use type:"None" - if this workflows can kick contacts out of others, list them after excludedWorkflows |
type and excludedWorkflows |
suppressionSetting |
Use for suppression lists. Use listIds if you want set any |
listIds |
onlyExecOnBizDays |
A setting indicating whether the workflow can execute on business days only |
true/false |
canEnrollFromSalesforce |
A setting indicating whether the workflow is available to be seen from the HubSpot embed in Salesforce. |
true/false |
allowContactToTriggerMultipleTimes |
If the same contact can enter the workflow more than once. |
true/false |
listening |
Whether contacts should be unenrolled from the workflow if they are no longer a member of any of the lists used as starting conditions. |
true/false |