There's a new version of the HubSpot API

We're also working on a new documentation website, you're invited to check it out and give us your feedback.

Deprecated APIs

Below is a list of deprecated APIs. Please see the documentation for individual endpoints for more details. To stay informed about upcoming changes or sunsets, subscribe to the Developer Changelog.

Requests to a deprecated endpoint will return an X-HubSpot-API-Deprecated header in the response, allowing you to programmatically detect when a specific endpoint that you're using is deprecated. If you detect this header in a response, please check the table below for the endpoint used in the request.

Legacy API or endpoint Replaced by
GET /deals/v1/pipelines/:pipelineId
Sunset: Early 2020
GET /crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/:object_type
GET /deals/v1/pipelines
Sunset: Early 2020
GET /crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/:object_type
POST /deals/v1/pipelines
Sunset: Early 2020
POST /crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/:object_type
PUT /deals/v1/pipelines/:pipelineId
Sunset: Early 2020
PUT /crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/:object_type/:pipeline_id
DELETE /deals/v1/pipelines/:pipelineId
Sunset: Early 2020
DELETE /crm-pipelines/v1/pipelines/:objectType/:pipelineId
PUT /companies/v2/companies/:companyId/contacts/:vid
Sunset: Early 2020
PUT /crm-associations/v1/associations

DELETE /companies/v2/companies/:companyId/contacts/:vid
Sunset: Early 2020
PUT /crm-associations/v1/associations/delete
PUT deals/v1/deal/:dealId/associations/:OBJECTTYPE?id=:objectId&id=:objectId
Sunset: Early 2020
PUT /crm-associations/v1/associations
DELETE deals/v1/deal/:dealId/associations/:OBJECTTYPE?id=:objectId&id=:objectId
Sunset: Early 2020
PUT /crm-associations/v1/associations/delete
GET /deals/v1/deal/associated/:objectType/:objectId/paged
Sunset: Early 2020
GET /crm-associations/v1/associations/:objectId/HUBSPOT_DEFINED/:definitionId