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Get a ticket by ID

Last updated May 15, 2023

GET  /crm-objects/v1/objects/tickets/:id

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?





Service Hub

Required Scope:


Get a specific ticket by its ID.

By default, the response will only include the ID and a few system fields for the ticket. You can get specific properties in the response by using the properties parameter in the URL, and that parameter can be included multiple times to get multiple properties. See the example for more details.

Required Parameters How to use Description
OAuth access token or private app access token Authorization: Bearer {token} header Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication.
Ticket ID :id
Used in the request URL
The ID of the ticket you want to get.

Optional Parameters How to use Description
Ticket properties &properties=
Used in the request URL
By default, only the ID and a few other system fields are returned for the ticket. You can include ticket properties in the response by requesting them in the URL. This parameter can be included multiple times to request multiple properties. See the example for more details.
Ticket properties (with history) &propertiesWithHistory=
Used in the request URL
This parameter behaves exactly like the properties parameter above, with the exception that properties included with this parameter also return the full version history for the property.
Include deleted includeDeletes=true
Used in the request URL
By default, deleted records will not be returned by the API. You can include this parameter to make sure that records are returned even when they are deleted.