Method Details
HTTP Methods:
Content Type:
Response Format:
Requires Authentication?
Rate Limited?
Marketing & CRM
This endpoint is used to update an existing contact in HubSpot. It only updates the properties specified in the request.
Use case for this endpoint: Let's say you've been updating contact records in an external database and now you want to sync those updates to HubSpot. You can use the update an existing contact endpoint to complete the sync and avoid making manual updates.
Example URL to POST to:
Property updates
To update a contact, make an HTTP POST call to this endpoint. The request should specify the relevant contact properties. (See the sample JSON to the right.)
If a property doesn't exist yet, you can create a new custom property through the API using the create property method.
For more information about notable contact properties, see the notes below the required parameters table.
Response details
- Returns a 204 with no response body when a contact is updated successfully.
- Returns a 400 if there is a problem with the data in the request body. You'll get a message in the response body with more details.
- Returns a 401 when an unauthorized request is made, such as an expired access token.
- Returns a 404 when there is no existing contact with the specified vid (visitor ID).
- Returns a 500 when an internal server error occurs. Please alert us in the developer forum if this happens.