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Get table rows

Last updated January 7, 2025

GET /hubdb/api/v2/tables/:tableId/rows

Please note: as of January 31, 2024, the HubDB v2 API has been sunsetted. The associated endpoints will not be fully turned off until a future date in 2024, but if you're using this API, please migrate to the HubDB v3 API, which includes many performance, usability, and API consistency improvements over the previous two versions. Learn more about this sunset on the HubSpot Developer Changelog.

This endpoint is used to get the rows for a specific HubDB table. The results can be filtered and ordered using the options detailed below.

Draft versions

You can get the draft version of the table by including /draft at the end of the request path. See the example for details. Note: You must include authentication when requesting the draft version.

Required parameters How to use Description
Hub/account ID portalId={Hub ID}
Used in the request URL
The Hub ID that the table belongs to.
Table Id {tableId}
Used in the request URL
The ID of the table that you're looking for.

Optional parameters How to use Description
Get draft details /draft
Used in the request URL
Include /draft at the end of the request path to get the draft details of the table.
Limit limit={number}
Used in the request URL
The maximum number of rows returned in the response. Defaults to 1000.
Offset offset={number}
Used in the request URL
Used to page through the results if the number of rows in the table is higher than the limit parameter.
Order by orderBy={column name}
Used in the request URL
Return the rows in the natural order of the specified column. You can reverse the sort by adding a - to the column name: orderBy=-bar. You can include this parameter multiple times to sort by multiple columns.
In addition to ordering by a column, there are three functions that can be used:
  • geo_distance(location_column_name, latitude, longitude)
    Takes the name of a location column and coordinates, returns the rows ordered by how far away the value of the specified location column are from the provided coordinates.
  • length(column_name)
    Takes the name of a column, returns the rows ordered by the length of the column value (calculated as a string)
  • random()
    Returns the rows in random order.
These functions also support reverse ordering:
returns the items that are the farthest away first.


In addition to the above parameters, you can filter the results by specific data. Filters are applied as query parameters, by adding the column name, followed by two underscores (_), and then the operator. For example, if you have a number column named 'bar', you can filter the results to only include rows where the 'bar' column is greater than 10 using this parameter: &bar__gt=10. Any number of filters can be included as query parameters in the request URL. All filters are ANDed together. ORing filters is not currently supported.

Operators can only be applied to specific column types. When passing values for MULTISELECT columns, the ids or names should be separated by commas (e.g. multiselect_column__contains=1,2) For the purposes of these filters, the built in column hs_id is a NUMBER column, the hs_created_at column is a DATETIME, and the hs_path column is a TEXT column.

For DATETIME filters, you can use relative dates in place of timestamps in order to specify a value relative to the current time. For example, -3h would correspond to the timestamp 3 hours before now, whereas 10s would correspond to 10 seconds in the future. Supported timeunits are ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days). Current time can be used by specifying a zero value: 0s

Filter name Operator Works with
Equals eq (or none) All column types
This filter is applied if no operator is used
When used with MULTISELECT columns, returns rows that exactly match supplied values
Not equal ne All column types
When used with MULTISELECT columns, returns rows that contain all of the supplied values.
Less than or equal lte NUMBER, DATE, DATETIME
Greater than gt NUMBER, DATE, DATETIME
Greater than or equal gte NUMBER, DATE, DATETIME
Null is_null All column types, except BOOLEAN
This filter does not require a value (&example_column__is_null=)
Not null not_null All column types, except BOOLEAN
This filter does not require a value (&example_column__not_null=)
Not like not_like TEXT, RICHTEXT
Contains (case insensitive) icontains TEXT, RICHTEXT
Starts with startswith TEXT, RICHTEXT
Returns rows where the column includes at least one of the passed options. When there is no other Order By in the query parameter, the results will be sorted in the order in which values are specified in the 'in' operator.