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Get all marketing emails

Last updated May 15, 2023

GET /marketing-emails/v1/emails

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?






Required Scope:


Get all marketing emails for a HubSpot account.

The results can be filtered, allowing you to find a specific set of emails you're searching for. See the table below for a full list of filtering options.

Required Parameters How to use Description
OAuth access token or private app access token Authorization: Bearer {token} header Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication.

Optional Parameters How to use Description
Limit &limit=
Used in the request URL

The number of records to return in the response. Defaults to 10.

Note: A hard limit of 300 records returned. 

Offset &offset=
Used in the request URL
Used to get the next page of results. Use the limit of the previous request as the offset to get the next set of results.
Order by &orderBy=
Used in the request URL
Return the emails ordered by a particular field value. Use a negative value to sort in descending order (e.g. orderBy=-created).


Results can be filtered based on specific fields. You can filter for a field by including it as a query parameter. For example, you can filter by campaign by including &campaign=:campaign_id in the request URL.

In addition to filtering for an exact match, some fields support other filter types, designated by including two underscores between the field name and the type. For example, you can filter for emails created after December 31, 2018, by including &created__gt=1546318800000 in the request URL.

The list of fields that support filtering, and the supported filter types for those fields are listed below.

Field name Supported filter types
ab_status eq, exact, in, is, ne, neq, nin, not
ab_test_id eq, exact, is
analytics_page_id eq, exact, is
archived eq, exact, is
campaign eq, exact, is
content_group_id eq, exact, is, in
content_type_id eq, exact, is
created eq, exact, gt, gte, is, lt, lte, range
created_by_id eq, exact, is
domain contains, eq, exact, is, like, nlike, not_like
folder_id eq, exact, in, is, is_null, not_null
name eq, exact, is, in, ilike, icontains
publish_date eq, exact, gt, gte, is, lt, lte, range
subcategory eq, exact, in, is, ne, neq, nin, not
template_path contains, eq, exact, is, like
updated eq, exact, gt, gte, is, lt, lte, range
updated_by_id eq, exact, is