Method Details
HTTP Methods:
Content Type:
Response Format:
Requires Authentication?
Rate Limited?
Required Scope:
Updates the auto-save buffer. Live objects will not be impacted.
There's a new version of the HubSpot API
We're also working on a new documentation website, you're invited to check it out and give us your feedback.
HTTP Methods:
Content Type:
Response Format:
Requires Authentication?
Rate Limited?
Required Scope:
Updates the auto-save buffer. Live objects will not be impacted.
Required Parameters | How to use | Description |
OAuth access token or private app access token | Authorization: Bearer {token} header | Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication. |
blog_post_id | Used in the request URL | Unique identifier for a particular blog |
Parameter name | Type | Description |
blog_author_id | long | The integer id of the blog author, look up via the blog authors end point /content/api/v2/blog-authors |
campaign | string | The guid of the marketing campaign this post is associated with |
campaign_name | string | The name of the marketing campaign this post is associated with |
content_group_id | long | The id of the blog that this post belongs to. Get the id by looking at the blog API endpoint /content/api/v2/blogs |
footer_html | string | Custom HTML for embed codes, javascript that should be placed before the </body> tag of the page |
head_html | string | Custom HTML for embed codes, javascript, etc. that goes in the <head> tag of the page |
is_draft | string | True if the post is still a draft, invisible to the public. Gets changed when the /publish-action API endpoint is called |
keywords | list | A JSON list of keywords and their GUIDs. This list contains key value pairs of "keyword" and "keyword_guid". For example:
meta_description | string | A description that goes in <meta> tag on the page |
name | string | The internal name of the blog post |
post_body | string | The HTML of the main post body |
post_summary | string | The summary of the blog post that will appear on the main listing page |
publish_date | long | The date the blog post is to be published at in milliseconds since the unix epoch. |
publish_immediately | string | Set this to true if you want to be published immediately when the schedule publish endpoint is called, and to ignore the publish_date setting |
slug | string | The path of the URL on which the post will live. Changing this will change the URL. |
topic_ids | list | A json list of topic ids from the topics API ( /content/api/v2/topics ) |
widgets | string | A data structure containing the data for all the modules for this post. This will only be populated if the blog template has editable widgets defined. |
Hit this URL with a HTTP method of PUT
and including a request body of
{ "slug": "/blog/2013/10/my-first-api-blog-post", "post_body": "<p>Hey guys! I'm using the <b>API</b>! Woohoo!</p>", "post_summary": "<p>Hey guys!</p>", "publish_immediately": false, "publish_date": 1381266273000, "campaign": "43a0c102-4e62-4527-849a-21c9bc40c908", "campaign_name": "Fall 2013 Season End Clearance", "meta_description": "A post about posts", "topic_ids": [<topic_id>, <another topic_id>], "blog_author_id": <id of an author from the blog authors endpoint> }