Method Details
HTTP Methods:
Response Format:
Requires Authentication?
Rate Limited?
Service Hub
Required Scope:
Get a list of changes to ticket objects. Returns 1000 (or fewer) changes, starting with the least recent change. Returned changes are limited to the last 24 hours. Changes prior to that period will not be returned.
This endpoint is designed to be polled periodically, allowing your integration to keep track of which objects have been updated so that you can get the details of those updated objects.
After each request, the timestamp
, changeType
, and objectId
of the most recently changed record (which will be the last record in the returned list of changes) should be stored by your integration, as you can use those values to get changes that occurred later, allowing you to pull only changes that occurred after your last polling request. All three values must be stored, as the combination of those values is what your integration needs to use to get changes that occurred after your last polling attempt. See the example for more details.
Note The newAssociations
and the removedAssociations
arrays will always be empty. This endpoint uses a standard response type which includes these arrays, but it doesn't actually populate them.