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Delete Property for Timeline Event Type

Last updated June 17, 2020

DELETE /integrations/v1/:application-id/timeline/event-types/:event-type-id/properties/:property-id

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?





Developer Tools

Required Scope:


Delete an existing property for a specified timeline event type.
Required Parameters How to use Description
hapikey= Used in the request URL Your Developer HAPIkey. This must be a Developer HAPIkey associated with the Developer portal that the OAuth app was created in.
application-id Used in the request URL  The ID of the application that the event type belongs to.
event-type-id  Used in the request URL The ID of the event type that you want to update the property for.
property-id  Used in the request URL The ID of the property you want to update.

Optional ParametersHow to useDescription
None None No optional parameters for this method.