Method Details
HTTP Methods:
Response Format:
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Rate Limited?
Marketing & CRM
For a given account, return all contacts that have been recently created.
A paginated list of contacts will be returned to you, with a maximum of 100 contacts per page, as specified by the "count" parameter.
Please Note There are 3 fields here to pay close attention to: the "has-more" field that will let you know whether there are more contacts that you can pull from this portal, and the "vid-offset" and "time-offset" fields which will let you know where you are in the list of contacts. You can then use the "vid-offset" and "time-offset" fields in the "vidOffset" and "timeOffset" parameters described below.
The response is sorted in descending order by create date; the most recently created contact is returned first.
Note: This endpoint returns contacts based on when they were created. If you need to check for recently modified records, use this endpoint.