Method Details
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Marketing & CRM
This endpoint is used to create a custom property that can store a specific piece of data for contact records.
Use case for this endpoint: Let's say an integration needs to keep track of contacts' anniversaries. You can use this endpoint to create a custom date property for this information.
Example URL:
Property types and field types
Properties have both a type (which controls how the data is treated) as well as a fieldtype (which controls how the property appears when used in a form). As an example, the fieldtypes radio, checkbox, and booleancheckbox appear as radio select, multi-select checkboxes, and single checkbox fields when used in a form, but they all use the (data) type of enumeration, since they all have a specific set options available for the value.
Response details
- Returns a 200 with the data for the new property on success.
- Returns a 409 Conflict error if there is already a property with the 'name' you used. Property names must be unique.
- Returns a 400 error with more details in the response body if there is any other problem.