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Update a group of deals

Last updated January 7, 2025

POST /deals/v1/batch-async/update

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Content Type:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?





Marketing & CRM

Required Scope:

Update a group of existing deal records by their dealId.

This endpoint takes a list of objectIds that correspond to the dealId of the deal you want to update, and a list of properties to update for each deal.

  • This endpoint can only be used to update existing deal records based on their dealId. It cannot create new records
  • Up to 100 deals can be updated in a single request. There is no limit to the number of properties that can be updated per deal.
  • If there are any errors in the request, the entire request will fail and no updates will be applied to any records.
  • The updates are processed asynchronously, so it may take several minutes to see the updates in HubSpot if you're sending a large number of updates.
Required Parameters How to use Description
OAuth access token or private app access token Authorization: Bearer {token} header Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication.
objectId Used in the request body The dealId of the deal that you want to update.
properties Used in the request body A list of properties that you want to update. Each property must include the name of the property to be updated, and the value of the property to update to.

Returns a 202 Accepted response on success. Any issues with the JSON will result in a 4xx response with details about the specific issue in the body of the response.