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Get all deals

Last updated January 7, 2025

GET /deals/v1/deal/paged

Method Details

HTTP Methods:


Response Format:


Requires Authentication?


Rate Limited?






Required Scope:

The get all deals endpoint retrieves all deal data from HubSpot, including any associated object data. It returns a paginated set of deals.

What's a use case for this endpoint? Your company uses HubSpot and just added an external CRM. You’re beginning the process of integrating the two systems and deals are your top priority. You can use the get all deals endpoint to retrieve all existing deal information from HubSpot. You can then populate your CRM with this information before setting up a bi-directional sync.

Response details

In addition to the list of deals, each request will also return two values, offset and hasMore. If hasMore is true, you'll need to make another request, using the offset to get the next page of deal records.

Required Parameters How to use Description
OAuth Access Token or private app access token Authorization: Bearer {token} header Used to authenticate the request. Please see this page for more details about authentication.

Optional Parameters How to use Description
Limit limit=
Used in the request URL
The number of records to return. Defaults to 100, has a maximum value of 250.
Offset offset=
Used in the request URL
Used to page through the results. If there are more records in your account than the limit= parameter, you will need to use the offset returned in the first request to get the next set of results.
Properties properties=x&properties=y
Used in the request URL, may be included multiple times to get multiple properties.
Used to include specific deal properties in the results.  By default, the results will only include Deal ID and will not include the values for any properties for your Deals.  Including this parameter will include the data for the specified property in the results.  You can include this parameter multiple times to request multiple properties.
Note: Deals that do not have a value set for a property will not include that property, even when you specify the property. A deal without a value for the dealname property would not show the dealname property in the results, even with &properties=dealname in the URL.
Properties with History propertiesWithHistory=
Used in the request URL, may be included multiple times.
Works similarly to properties=, but this parameter will include the history for the specified property, instead of just including the current value. Use this parameter when you need the full history of changes to a property's value.
Associations includeAssociations=true
Used in the request URL
Include the IDs of the associated contacts and companies in the results. This will also automatically include the num_associated_contacts property.